Welcome new shooters! First time firearms owners and operators need to know the basics of safety, operation, marksmanship and gun cleaning to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. In the current state of emergency around the Nation, many Instructors are not able to offer in-person training courses to fill that need for all the incoming new shooters. So, we're providing alternatives to bridge the gap until in-person training courses can resume.
Now offering the NRA New Shooter Gun Safety Seminar by online/virtual live Zoom Meetings! Click the picture below for more info and registration:
Click on the picture below to download a FREE .pdf file of the NRA's Guide For New Shooters, that covers the basics to get you started!
​Be sure to browse through our links section for a wide variety of books, less lethal tools, recommended products, information and resources to assist you in your firearms training journey! Stay safe out there.